During this month of April, our elementary students have started working on robotics and programming with the new LEGo WeDo 2.0 project.
This project fosters valuable learning that helps us develop computational thinking in our students. Computational thinking involves solving problems, designing systems and understanding human behavior, making use of the fundamental concepts of computer science. In other words, the essence of computational thinking is to think as a computer scientist would when faced with a problem.
Our students from 3rd to 6th grade have enjoyed and learned a lot handling and programming, but what they liked the most were the races they did in the hallway with their robots!
And of course, we could not forget the younger students, who are preparing and taking their first steps in programming with Robot Next.
All this is completed with programs like Scratch Jr. And later, our students continue to develop their skills with Arduino boards and many more projects related to robotics and programming.